Please "INBOX" the mighty lion of JUDAH (YAHADAH)
As American Dual Nationals, sovereign state national Hebrew Israelite republics, with our Sovereign Hebrew Israelite Royal National Flag, we are uniting in MASS numbers through the Spiritual, lawful "Sovereign & Self Determination Hebrew Israelite Declaration and ID's." Inbox King (Malak) Messiah Achashverosh Adnah Ammiyhuwd Ngola Mbandi on facebook to begin the process. If you would just like to make a donation to help support the cause, just click on the donation button. Shalam!
TESTIMONIES Riyon Frazier/Asar'l Yashar'al "This message is pertaining all Hebrew Israelites who doubt Achashverosh Ammiyhuwd in the works and preparation for our second Exodus.” I, Riyon Frazier/Asar'l Yashar'al has been followed by local police, state troopers and other local agencies of law, they can't harass you if your covered by the father. One of the policy enforcers said "I guess you'z free huh nigger" after combing my travel plates with a fine comb and calling it in their database. Also my wife has a lead foot in Republican Texas and she was pulled over four times. They didn't ask for driver's license, insurance and registration, but instead ask her "ma'am please slow" and released her. I truly believe if she was driving instead of traveling these people would react in their nature and harm us. This is protection from the Most High. All praises. The New Jersey child protection services were harassing the Mark Elum/Azriy'el Yahadah Yasharahla; and Lakeisha T. Elum/Keshet Emet Yasharahla family that declared their lawful Hebrew Israelite national origin and identity through the Spiritual Sovereign Hebrew Israelite Declaration process and the Sovereign Hebrew Israelite ID processes.
The family contacted Achashverosh Adnah Ammiyhuwd, a Chief Minister, Elder, Consul of the lawful, biblical and spiritual tribe Judah (Yahadah), a lawful biblical and spiritual Ambassador of the Most High I Am That I Am (Ahayah Ashar Ahayah) Exodus 3:13-14 (KJV), and the Second March To Exodus Movement (SMTOEM). Representing the twelve tribes of Israel (Yashar'al). Azriy'el and his wife Keshet explained to Ammiyhuwd what was happening to their family. The Most High Ahayah Ammiyhuwd to send the family spiritual documents to file with the court. The court placed the family in contempt of court for refusing to allow the New Jersey Child Protection Services to investigate an allegation of Child Abuse. However, the Most High had Ammiyhuwd to once again sen the family lawful and spiritual documents demanding the matter be immediately dismissed with prejudice. On August 24, 2016, by the grace of Ahayah, Ba Ha Sham Yashaya Ha Messiah Wa Ruwahch Ha Qadash and through the spiritual Hebrew Israelite declaration and identification processes the family was released from the grip of modern day Egypt |